Bulk Milk Cooler

Bulk Milk Chiller

Bulk Milk Cooler Manufacturers

We offer a range of Milk Chiller Machine which is also known as Bulk Milk Coolers. Owing to the rich industrial experience, we are leading manufacturer of BMC Machine. Bulk Milk Cooler is direct expansion type. range 200 liters to 10,000 liters. These milk cooling tanks are for installing at village Dairy Cooperative Society which coollects the milk everyday in the morning and evening from milk producers. The Milk collected shall be store in the bulk milk cooler suppliers from the ambient Temperature to 4 degree centigrade within 3 hours.

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Bulk Milk Cooler


      • Material : Stainless Steel 304
      • Capacity : 200 Ltr, 300 Ltr, 500 Ltr, 1000 Ltr
      • Design : Vertical Cylindrical, DX Shape
      • Insulation Thickness: 50-100mm
      • Compressor: Copeland Emerson
      • Temp. Range: 35 > 4 Degree C
      • Type of Refrigerant : R22/R-404
      • Dimple Plate: Best Cooling System
      • Thickness: 2MM / 1.5MM
      • Power: Single/Three Phase

Bulk Milk Cooler Price List

Our Mik Cooling machine is mainly used in preserving and storing fresh raw milk. The cooled raw milk can reach rapidly needed temperature of 4 degree Celcius and keeps constant. which can prevent the generation of bacteria and keep raw milk in good condition. These excellent Bulk Milk Cooler Price, which help in improving milk quality by cooling it at collection, center it before it gets transported to the dairies.

Bulk Milk Coolers for Sale

We present to our valuable clients, the finest range of Bulk Milk Coolers. These BMC Machines are made with the use of modern technology and are comprised of the best quality components. Therefore, our Bulk Milk Cooler Suppliers are highly efficient and are fit for long term usage. These Bulk Milk Cooler is available at economic prices. Features Longer lasting Efficient cooling Huge capacity Low maintenance.

Bulk Cooler for Milk

We have all the resources that are required for bulk and customized production of top class bulk milk coolers. These coolers are used to improve the quality of milk by storing it and chilling it to 5oC at the collector centre, before transporting it to different dairies. Our range of Bulk Cooler for Milk is based on Ice Bank Technology, in which ice is formed upon no supply of milk in the tank and melting of ice on the entry of milk in the tank. This lessens the milk temperature ensuing minimal growth of bacteria, which in turn improves the shelf life of milk.

Call Now: +91-8920373077 | WhatsApp US

बल्क मिल्क कूलर

हम बल्क मिल्क कूलर मशीन की निर्माता यानि मनुफक्चरर्स है| इस मशीन के द्वारा आप मिल्क का व्यापार आसानी से कर सकते हो | यह मशीन दूध को लम्बे समय तक ठंडा रखती है| जिस के द्वारा आपका दूध 2-3 दिन तक ख़राब नहीं होता है| ये मशीन लगभग 3 घंटे में दूध को ठंडा कर देती है| ये मशीन स्टेनलेस स्टील 304 ग्रेड मटेरियल में बना है| जिस कारन आपका दूध में कोई मेटल से केमिकल नहीं आएगा और दूध साफ़ और स्वच्छ रहेगा| इस मशीन को बनाने के लिए उचत्तम क्वालिटी का मटेरियल उपयोग किया जाता है| आप मशीन खरीदते वक़्त मशीन को पूर्ण रूप से चेक कर सकते हो| यह मशीन पूर्णतया आटोमेटिक प्रोसेस की है|

उदहारण: यदि आपने दूध को 4 डिग्री पर सेट कर दिया और 6 डिग्री पर ऑटो स्टार्ट सेट कर देते हो तो जब आपका दूध का तापमान 4 डिग्री आएगा आपकी मशीन आटोमेटिक बंद हो जायगी और जैसे ही कुछ घंटे बाद 6 डिग्री पर तापमान आएगा तो आपकी मशीन आटोमेटिक चालू हो जायगी|
बल्क मिल्क कूलर मशीन को खरीदने के लिए वेबसाइट पर दिखाए गए Mobile Number पर अपना आर्डर बुक कर सकते हो या हमारी E-mail ID पर मेल भी कर सकते हो| हमारी टीम आपको तुरंत कांटेक्ट कर लेगी |

Bulk Milk Cooler Price India

We are the Manufacturers of Bulk Milk Cooler Machine. With this machine you can do milk business easily. This machine keeps the milk cold for a long time. By which your milk does not spoil for 2-3 days. This machine cools the milk in about 3 hours. This machine is made in stainless steel 304 grade material. Due to which no metal from chemical will come in your milk and the milk will remain clean and clean. Highest quality material is used to make this machine. You can check the machine completely while buying the machine. This machine is fully automatic process.

Example: If you set the milk to 4 degrees and auto start at 6 degrees, then when the temperature of your milk comes to 4 degrees, your machine will automatically stop and as soon as the temperature comes to 6 degrees after a few hours, then your The machine will start automatically.
To buy bulk milk cooler machine, you can book your order on the mobile number shown on the website or you can also mail on our e-mail ID. Our team will contact you immediately.